Annual Meeting 2023

On October 21, 2023, CALE/ACEJ held its annual meeting of members at the Faculty of Law, University of Victoria. In his report, President Stephen Pitel outlined CALE/ACEJ’s activities over the past year, including: the transition of the Chief Information Officer role from Amy Salyzyn to Basil Alexander; transitioning the listserv from UOttawa to Google Groups; implementing a Travel Grant Program to support graduate students and post-doctoral fellows attending the conference; partnering with the CBA and FLSC for the 2023 Ethics Forum; submissions to the FLSC’s National Requirement Review Committee re: ethics and professionalism and to the FLSC’s Model Code Committee re: former judges returning to practice; and other director submissions and activities that build awareness of CALE/ACEJ.

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New E-Mail Listserv Address and New Chief Information Officer

We are pleased to announce some changes relating to our information technology, particularly our listserv. First, Basil Alexander (UNB) has replaced Amy Salyzyn (Ottawa) as our Chief Information Officer, effective August 20, 2023. Second, our listserv now has a new address:

We are very grateful to Amy who has served as Chief Information Officer for several years and oversaw considerable growth in the size and level of interest in the listserv. She was also instrumental in developing our Community Guidelines. Amy remains the Chair of the Board of CALE/ACEJ.

Basil adds this portfolio to his ongoing work as Treasurer and Corporate Secretary of CALE/ACEJ. He has been busy in the new role, spearheading the movement of the listserv to a new home. We appreciate the enthusiasm he has brought to this task.

Since its creation the listserv had been based at the University of Ottawa, and CALE/ACEJ appreciates the technological support it has provided. We have decided that for ease of future transitions it is best for the listserv not to be based at a particular institution but rather somewhere more accessible. We have selected Google’s Groups platform for this purpose. Members of the listserv do not need a Google e-mail account or any other connection to Google.