CALE/ACEJ Awards: Call for Nominations

Nominations are open for CALE/ACEJ’s two annual awards, with a due date of August 9, 2024.

The two awards are:

  • the CALE/ACEJ Best Paper Award, which recognizes the best legal ethics and professionalism paper by an emerging scholar, and
  • the CALE/ACEJ Lifetime Achievement Award, which recognizes sustained accomplishments in legal ethics and professionalism.

Information about the awards, including previous winners and the terms of the awards, is at

For Best Paper nominations, submit an anonymized version of the paper to (can be your or someone else’s paper) by August 9, 2024. While we cannot ensure full blind review given the nature and size of the community, we will do the best we can.

For Lifetime Achievement nominations, complete and submit the nomination form (available on request from Corporate Secretary Basil Alexander) and the required supporting letter(s) to by August 9, 2024. The form and the supporting letter(s) may be submitted separately.

The awards will be presented at the annual conference (October 24-26, 2024) at Dalhousie University.

If you have any questions, contact Basil Alexander.

The selection committee for this year’s awards is Amy Salyzyn (chair), Brooke MacKenzie and Pooja Parmar.

Early Reminder of 2024 Conference

As winter turns to spring, we ramp up the planning for the annual conference. At this point we want to get the dates and location out to potential attendees so they can start thinking about their travel plans.

The conference will take place October 24-26, 2024. It will be in Halifax, Nova Scotia, hosted by the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University. Professor Richard Devlin is the conference organizer.

The conference will start on the evening of Thursday, October 24 with an informal social get-together. The sessions will start on the morning of Friday, October 25 and will run to mid-day on Saturday, October 26.

The planning group will issue a call for presentation proposals later in the spring. As usual we will have sessions on research, teaching and the regulation of the profession. Please start thinking about a possible topic to propose.

Registration and accommodation information will follow in the summer. For now, save the dates and start contemplating your trip to Canada’s Ocean Playground.

Annual Meeting 2023

On October 21, 2023, CALE/ACEJ held its annual meeting of members at the Faculty of Law, University of Victoria. In his report, President Stephen Pitel outlined CALE/ACEJ’s activities over the past year, including: the transition of the Chief Information Officer role from Amy Salyzyn to Basil Alexander; transitioning the listserv from UOttawa to Google Groups; implementing a Travel Grant Program to support graduate students and post-doctoral fellows attending the conference; partnering with the CBA and FLSC for the 2023 Ethics Forum; submissions to the FLSC’s National Requirement Review Committee re: ethics and professionalism and to the FLSC’s Model Code Committee re: former judges returning to practice; and other director submissions and activities that build awareness of CALE/ACEJ.

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Brent Cotter receives CALE/ACEJ Lifetime Achievement Award

On October 20, 2023, during the annual conference at the University of Victoria, CALE/ACEJ presented its Lifetime Achievement Award to Senator Brent Cotter. The award is for having demonstrated “sustained accomplishments in the field of legal ethics and professionalism”.

Brent is one of the best-known and best-regarded scholars of legal ethics in Canada.  Throughout his career as a law professor, Brent has taught and published in the area of legal ethics.  Indeed, he is one of very few professors who specialized in legal ethics prior to 2000.  He played a fundamental role in increasing the profile of the field in Canadian law schools and legal education and in assisting newer colleagues in developing their own expertise in the field.

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Conference Recap 2023

The annual conference was held on October 19-21, 2023, at the University of Victoria. Pooja Parmar, the Vice-President of CALE/ACEJ, was the conference coordinator. She was assisted by Alan Treleaven, Robert Tapper, Laura Hamilton and Tayana Simpson. They did a terrific job and made all attendees very welcome.

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Second Submission to the National Requirement Review Committee

In June 2023 the National Requirement Review Committee of the FLSC invited feedback on options and preliminary proposals for amendments to the National Requirement described in a Discussion Paper available on the FLSC website. The National Requirement specifies the competencies and skills graduates of Canadian law school programs and internationally trained graduates and lawyers must have acquired to be admitted to law society admission programs in the Canadian common law jurisdictions.

CALE/ACEJ had previously provided submissions (available here) at an earlier stage of the Review Committee’s work. It has now provided a response, available below, to the proposals in the Discussion Paper, focusing specifically on issues of legal ethics and professionalism.

Register for the 2023 Annual Conference

Thanks to conference coordinator Pooja Parmar and her team, details of the upcoming (October 19-21, 2023) CALE/ACEJ conference at the University of Victoria are now available and registration is open.

All the information you need is here.

The program, registration link, hotel information and a handy things-to-do document (prepared by Rob Lapper) are available. The conference features over 25 presenters covering a wide array of topics.

Your registration is not confirmed until you receive an e-mail from Laura Hamilton.

Due to room capacity issues, there is an upper limit on the number of people who can attend the conference. If you plan to attend, do not delay in registering.

New E-Mail Listserv Address and New Chief Information Officer

We are pleased to announce some changes relating to our information technology, particularly our listserv. First, Basil Alexander (UNB) has replaced Amy Salyzyn (Ottawa) as our Chief Information Officer, effective August 20, 2023. Second, our listserv now has a new address:

We are very grateful to Amy who has served as Chief Information Officer for several years and oversaw considerable growth in the size and level of interest in the listserv. She was also instrumental in developing our Community Guidelines. Amy remains the Chair of the Board of CALE/ACEJ.

Basil adds this portfolio to his ongoing work as Treasurer and Corporate Secretary of CALE/ACEJ. He has been busy in the new role, spearheading the movement of the listserv to a new home. We appreciate the enthusiasm he has brought to this task.

Since its creation the listserv had been based at the University of Ottawa, and CALE/ACEJ appreciates the technological support it has provided. We have decided that for ease of future transitions it is best for the listserv not to be based at a particular institution but rather somewhere more accessible. We have selected Google’s Groups platform for this purpose. Members of the listserv do not need a Google e-mail account or any other connection to Google.

New Conference Travel Grant Program

As a result of funds generated from production and sales of Woolley, Devlin & Cotter, Lawyers’ Ethics and Professional Regulation, 4th ed (2021), CALE/ACEJ is able to announce that it is creating a new conference travel grant program. Thanks are due to all involved in the preparation of this casebook.

Starting in 2023, graduate students and post-doctoral fellows in the field of legal ethics and professionalism are eligible to apply for a travel grant towards the cost of attending the annual CALE/ACEJ conference. To qualify they must either be (i) enrolled or based at a Canadian university or (ii) a Canadian enrolled or based at a foreign university.

Applications are due to the Vice-President by July 15, 2023. Applicants must provide sufficient information to establish their eligibility and explain their financial need for the travel grant. Applications will be assessed by the Vice-President and the Treasurer by July 30, 2023.

No more than $2000 is to be awarded in this year. No applicant is to receive more than $500 in a single year. The travel grant will be paid after the annual conference. To receive their grant, each recipient must submit receipts for travel or accommodation expenses to the Treasurer totaling at least the amount awarded.