Early Reminder of 2024 Conference

As winter turns to spring, we ramp up the planning for the annual conference. At this point we want to get the dates and location out to potential attendees so they can start thinking about their travel plans.

The conference will take place October 24-26, 2024. It will be in Halifax, Nova Scotia, hosted by the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University. Professor Richard Devlin is the conference organizer.

The conference will start on the evening of Thursday, October 24 with an informal social get-together. The sessions will start on the morning of Friday, October 25 and will run to mid-day on Saturday, October 26.

The planning group will issue a call for presentation proposals later in the spring. As usual we will have sessions on research, teaching and the regulation of the profession. Please start thinking about a possible topic to propose.

Registration and accommodation information will follow in the summer. For now, save the dates and start contemplating your trip to Canada’s Ocean Playground.